Why do Middle Easterners Hate Americans? – Dubai
It’s reported that only 6% of the people living in Dubai are Emirati nationals, so with 94% of the 4.5M being expats, by default, most interactions people have with others are either with tourists or expats, so then how can any conclusions be made if Dubaiers Hate Americans, since most are expats from all over?

Why do Middle Easterners Hate Americans? – Kingdom of Bahrain
The Saudis aren’t interested in deals. A great deal can be quickly ruined by persons of questionable character, and a good deal can exceed greatly by persons of extraordinary character. So, the Saudis choose to focus on what really matters.

Why do Middle Easterners Hate Americans? – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
So what happened? Why was there no talk about business? I finally figured it out, and it was later confirmed by the consultant on our flight back to the States…